During the 32nd General Chapter, the desire was expressed to give more dynamism topartnership in our congregation : Conviction 5: To Work in Communion with People of Good Will . We are convinced of the necessity of working in communion with other members of the Church, with the Montfortian Family, with our Associates and Collaborators, with other people inspired by the Montfortian spirituality, and with all people of good will.
3.5.1 Action 5: We will take the necessary steps to share the Montfortian Gabrielite spirituality and mission. Strategy 5-a: We will create an International Commission of Brothers and Lay people, who will work in close collaboration with the Central Administration, to carry our Partnership initiatives forward. (Acts of the 32nd General Chapter p. 19)
For this reason, the new General Administration, among the first actions carried out in 2018 at the beginning of its mandate, has created an International Commission composed of 5 brothers and 4 lay people representing the different continents.
The mission of this Commission is to organize and accompany the partnership in the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, taking into account its different expressions and thinking in particular about the formation of all those lay people who share the charism and mission of the Brothers.