MGA in the World

East African Province – Rwanda

Indabo za Mariya (Flowers of Mary) The group was born on the initiative of four people following the message given by the Virgin Mary during the apparitions in Kibeho-Rwanda 1981-1989. The members make their consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the method of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort; they strive to live their baptismal commitments and participate joyfully in the events of the Montfortian Family – Brothers of Saint Gabriel.

Indabo za Mariya-Final Version Word Doc

Province of Canada

The Amicale des Anciens de l’Orphelinat Saint-Arsène. It was in 1932 that former students of the Orphanage took the initiative to get together to help the orphans by offering them time and activities to brighten up their daily lives.  In 1976, following the fire that caused the closure of the Orphanage, the vocation of the Amicale took a new direction. Indeed, it was at this time that the Amicale became associated with the work of Bon Secours (Therapy Centre) and, later, with the cause of Escale Notre-Dame to help young men, aged 18 to 35, who face problems of alcoholism and other drug addictions. After eighty-seven (87) years of involvement, the Amicale now has eighty-five (85) members.  In addition, each year, the group receives donations and succeeds in continuing the work of the Brothers of St. Gabriel.

St. Gabriel Network. This is an open group without formal membership. There is a made up of 6 people and a very large group of 75-100 people (depending on the subjects dealt with). The core group is made up of 6 persons: two Brothers of St. Gabriel, a Daughter of Wisdom, a Missionary of the Company of Mary and two lay people. The St. Gabriel Network was born from the invitation of the General Chapter of the year 2000 which proposed that we work in a network, in partnership to bring about a just and fraternal world.

Province of France

  • Sector of Brazil: Montfortian associates belong to groups called GAMO – Montfortian Friendship Groups. No distinction can be made between congregations for the affiliation of these groups, even if they are rather accompanied by the Montfort Fathers or the Brothers. There are 8 groups and they are integrated into a South American reality, with all the animation that comes from the Montfort Fathers of Peru and Colombia. The beginning of the GAMO groups is linked to the arrival of the Montfort Missionaries in Joao Monlevade, a town situated in relative proximity to the communities of the Brothers of Diamantina and Nova Contagem. As a support, there is a text that specifies the structure and functioning of each group, and the common proposals for times of formation. The formation is given during the gatherings in collaboration between the Brothers of St. Gabriel and the Montfort Missionaries. Each year, there is a week-long Intergamo strong time, with a mission in a parish.


  • District of Madagascar: The Associates ” AMIS DE MONTFORT ” are present in the cities of Antananarivo, Fandriana, Fianarantsoa, Mahajanga, Toamasina, Anjomakely and Antsirabe. The Friends of Montfort are men and women, collaborators, friends, teachers, parents, students and pupils. The association was created on January 31, 2002 in Antsobolo, Antananarivo. The number of members continues to increase in all groups. The first edition of “Formation and Meeting of all the friends of Montfort in Madagascar” took place in August 2018 at Fandriana. There were about 125 participants coming from all the places where the brothers work. At the end of this meeting 6 laypeople made their consecration to Jesus through Mary according to Father of Montfort. The formation proposed was in particular on Montfortian spirituality, Marian devotion, the life story of Father of Montfort and Father Gabriel Deshayes, the history of the Brothers of Saint Gabriel in the world and in Madagascar, and a preparation for the associates who want to make their consecration.
  • France: Network of schools « Tutelle » – Fraternity of establishment. After having created in 1994 a network of schools for the formation of lay people, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel of France in collaboration with the Daughters of Wisdom to create in 2018 a common service for the accompaniment of their schools, all of which are run by lay people; Brothers, Sisters and lay people are creating training courses and activities to make the staff aware of the foundations of the Montfortian educational charism and of our two traditions, especially for school principals (who receive a letter of mission from the Brother Provincial) and pastoral animators who are committed to keeping the charism alive and who receive a formation in Montfortian spirituality. Since 2016, the Brothers and laypeople have launched a project of fraternity of establishment which proposes to volunteers to meet at least 3 times a year to share about the living of the charism in the establishment and to try to update it, to pray and live a time of conviviality (which can be a meal). The local fraternity meetings are a place of refreshment which allows them to share together their concern to live the charism in the footsteps of the founder and the religious. An interfraternity meeting is organised in St Laurent to create and consolidate the links between these volunteers and “make family” together in the network.

Province of Brazzaville

AMONT: Friends of Montfort. At the beginning, a mutual social aid society called “Friends of Montfort, in the acronym “AMONT”” later became an apostolic group with Montfortian Spirituality which participates in certain activities of the Brothers such as: the Masses of vows, devotion and suffrages. In the novenas in preparation for the feasts of the Annunciation, St. Montfort’s Day and the rite of consecration to Jesus through Mary.

From then on, the group welcomes not only former candidates from the houses of formation of the Brothers of St Gabriel, but also former students of their schools with all those who want to proclaim the Gospel by following the spirituality of their Holy Patron Saint Louis Marie GRIGNON de Montfort.

In the same way in Cameroon, a certain number of lay people have been working for more than twenty years to popularize certain documents of Father de Montfort such as: the Treaty of True Devotion, the Admirable Secret of the Most Holy Rosary, The Letter to the Friends of the Cross. The members also make their consecration to Jesus through Mary.

In the Central African Republic, a movement of Marian devotion also shares Montfortian spirituality with the Brothers and sometimes also make the consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Province of Spain

  • AGMONT (Associated Gabrielists Montfortians) in Barcelona and Familia Montfortiana (Montfortian Family) in Madrid and Aranda de Duero (Burgos). The pilgrimages that took place in July 1997 and 1998 to the Montfortian sites on the occasion of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, were a providential circumstance that gave impetus to the associates in the beginning. These groups meet monthly to deepen their understanding of Montfortian spirituality. The celebration of the Eucharist is the vital centre. For some years now, they have been participating with the Grignion de Montfort Society of Barcelona, celebrating the patronal feast of the Annunciation and that of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The AGMONT group has been going on pilgrimage every year to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at the beginning of June. It collaborates in the Gabrielite Solidarity Campaigns and collects funds to help the most needy children in our schools. Some of its members have made the consecration to Jesus through Mary, but to ensure it for all is a priority objective, with the preparation to it during the convenient time and celebrating it in a highlighted Marian festivity.
  • ASSOCIATES – SHARED MISSION. Following the visit to the Montfortian places in the summer of 2012, a group of Brothers and collaborators decided to make up a group to advance in the commitment to the mission and to be formed in the Montfortian Gabrielite identity and spirituality. Each academic year they have two formation sessions and one session of sharing, complemented in both aspects by a weekend in the summer. At present they have a structure, objectives and statutes approved at the provincial level. By means of a signed document, they have expressed their commitment to the Mission to share and give continuity to the Montfortian-Gabrielite mission.

Province of Kinshasa

Friends of Montfort. Following the recommendations of the 29th and 30th General Chapters of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an association of lay Christians, called “AMIS DE MONTFORT”, was created; it is a non-governmental organization governed by lay people, whose members are men and women who are inspired by Montfortian spirituality and by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The motto of the association is “GOSPEL and HUMAN PROMOTION”. The main objective of this association is: To promote Montfortian spirituality and to fight against all forms of poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Province of Senegal

The Montfortian Brotherhood. It is an association born thanks to the initiative of Br. Paul Michel following his participation in the session of International Montfortian Formation (FIM) held in 2017 at Saint Laurent-Sur-Sèvre for French-speaking people. The few members who constitute it meet regularly (once a month) to pray in the chapel of the Postulant House. The door is open to all age groups. The animated prayer is always inspired by some aspect of Montfortian spirituality. During the prayer, a small teaching is sometimes given to the members present.

Province of Thailand

Montfortian Associates of Thailand. The Montfortian Associates entity was formally born in 2000 with its organization structure all the necessary details — organization chart, objectives, membership requirements, operations, funding, address, website. All of which are written in the manual. The organization structure was once modified, and the most recent modified one in 2017 is given below. The Montfortian Associates are under the guidance of Bro. Provincial of Thailand and one Brother appointed as the Spiritual Animator. The group of Montfortian Associates of Thailand makes up juniors, postulants, novices, scholasticates, brothers who left the Congregation. All members are male with wide range in ages. The vision is: to be devout Christians and profoundly adopting as well as propagating St. Louis Marie de Montfort Spirituality and his Missions. The mission of the associates is:

  • – to lead fervent Christian life and follow St. Louis Marie’ s Spirituality;
  • – to nurture warm and loving fraternal organization;
  • – to partake in Church’s and Brothers’ missions;
  • – to give encouragement and support to MAs, Brothers and others;
  • – to engage in charitable activities;

District of South-East Asia – Malaysia-Singapore

Montfortian Associates Movement. The members are Lay Persons working in all of our Institutions in Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar. Some belong to the Catholic Faith, while others belong to Other Faith, this group of other faiths are joyfully participating in the works of the Mission. Membership of Montfortian Associates has grown steadily in the last years, with new members more clearly able to articulate their desire to grow in Montfortian spirituality and participate in the work of the Brothers of St Gabriel. Members actively participate in the activities of the Movement on a regular basis e.g. Monthly Evening Prayer with Montfort sessions are now animated by the associates; Montfortian Experience Retreat Group sharings are facilitated by the associates; and the preparation for total consecration for the new batch of potential associates is also animated and facilitated by our associates. There is a structured committee with sub-committees to involve members in the various areas of work: Outreach, Spiritual Formation, Community Building. Each sub-committee is responsible for planning and implementing the plans they come up with, after endorsement by the Exco.


Province of North-East India

Montfortian Associates Movement North East India (MAMNEI). On 25th March 2009 the Movement was inaugurated at the Province level at the Provincial House in Guwahati. Soon after that local unit of the same was begun at every community. In most of the institutions the Associates mainly were drawn from Staff members and in some places, they also had students as members. The speciality of North East is that it was opened to all the people of good will. Therefore, we had Catholics, other denomination persons, Hindus as well as one or two Muslims as well. They were both men and women who were interested in following the spirituality of St. Louis De Montfort. In most of the centres monthly prayer meetings were conducted. They have a secretary who is in charge of organising the meetings and other activities. They also take up some activities which were to help the poor and needy. The meetings were first conducted in the residence of the Brothers and then it was conducted in the houses of members in rotation. They always started the meeting with Bible reading and prayer.

Province of Ranchi – India

Montfortian Gabrielite Associates. The members are Catholic Teachers of the institutions involved with the life and mission of the Congregation. The Province are starting a formation centre for the Associates and it hopes to create space for the Associates in each of our communities and explore the possibility of creating communities of Associates.

Province of Hyderabad – India

Montfortian Associates Movement (MAM)


Provinces of Yercaud and Bengaluru – India

Montfortian Gabrielite Associates (MGA). The groups present in almost all the institutions are made up of Catholic teachers, collaborators and students who wish to deepen their knowledge of Montfortian spirituality and collaborate more closely in the mission of the brothers of St. Gabriel. Some groups are very active and do a lot of good works such as organizing retreat for the students, financially helping some needy families, individuals etc.


Province of Trichy – India

Montfortian Associates Movement (MAM). 28th April 2006 MAM was inaugurated in Trichy Province. Three Zones (Chennai, Center and Southern) were created and then the following academic year the MAM members started the group in our schools. The members must be Catholic Teachers, students and some parish people those who are in the Legion of Mary or interested in Montfortian thoughts and having faith in Maria. The main activities provided by the movement are:

  • Interaction with students & organizing talks on St. Montfort;
  • Regular seminars & weekly / monthly meetings;
  • Newsletters / handouts;
  • Circulating copies on the life History of St. Montfort;
  • Singing of Montfort’s song in the Assembly;
  • Enacting dramas & choreography on the Life of Montfort;
  • Quotations of Montfort to be highlighted / placed at prominent places in the institutions;
  • Competitions on Montfort’s Life, Charism & Spirituality;
  • Prayer meetings in the house (Kalugumalai);
Curia Generalizia dei Fratelli di S. Gabriele - Via Trionfale n. 12840 - 00135 ROMA -