Province of Delhi – MGA meeting at Montfort Villa – Bhopal

Province of Delhi – MGA meeting at Montfort Villa – Bhopal

“The wisdom I proclaim is God’s secret wisdom, which is hidden from mankind….” (1Cor2:7).

 The Province of Delhi organized a province level MGA Meeting  at Montfort Villa, Bhopal on 11th & 12th Feb 2023. The main aim of the meeting was to develop awareness  among the new members of the association. The meeting started with a prayer service conducted by Bro. Alok Minj which was followed by introduction of the members. The resource person for the meeting was Bro. Paulose Mekkunnel, SG who explicitly explained the Montfortian Spirituality and charism. 

The meeting involved group discussions and sharing of the experiences regarding the MGA meetings of various schools in their respective places. Various challenges faced by the members were also put forward.

The MGA Charter was also explained properly. The mission and vision of MGA was elucidated. It was followed by interpretation of the membership.

The MGA members were made aware of the structure of Governance at various levels. A lot of emphasis was laid on the topic of family as a “Domestic Church” and through the witness of families, the Gospel can reach every place and every section of the society.

The meeting ended with a few decisions taken regarding the growth and development of MGA movement and some steps were discussed to make it a successful initiative.

A group photo was taken at the end of the meeting with the MGA members of different Montfort Schools.

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