Province of Spain – 2nd Meeting of associates from the Catalonia

Province of Spain – 2nd Meeting of associates from the Catalonia

On Saturday 11 January, the second meeting of associates from Catalonia took place, centred on the figure and spirituality of Mary-Louise of Jesus.

Although during the pandemic we had an online meeting motivated by the tercentenary of the arrival of Marie-Louise of Jesus at Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre where we focused on three specific moments in the life of the Good Mother, we already concluded then that it was necessary to expand the information on Mary-Louise Trichet, for all that she could bring to us and for the importance she had for the whole Montfortian family.

So the time has come and on this occasion we have been able to dwell on his life, personality, spirituality and mission. And given the breadth and depth of the subject, we will also devote the next meeting to it.

After the joyful greetings of the meeting, we dedicated some time to prayer, linking it also to the figure of Sister Trichet and the Montfortian spirituality transferred to today. 

  • Mary- Louise, a woman who desired and decided to follow Jesus to the end: What do I desire? Am I seeking in myself a desire that moves me to act? What do I miss that makes me keep searching?
  • Mary-Louise, a woman who turns to the face of a merciful God who welcomes, and who sets her free to love. The “God Alone” of Louis-Marie de Montfort and Mary-Louise: How is my personal relationship with God? Where has he led me throughout my life? Where is he leading me now?

The twenty minutes of silent meditation, prayer and dialogue, unite us and give us strength as a Montfortian Gabrielite group.

Afterwards, we watched a video entitled: A craziness made of love, in which a life full of faith and dedication was described, with difficulties overcome by total trust in Providence. An exemplary life, that of Sister Maria Luisa de Jesus, up to the moment when she arrived at the Father’s house.

After a small lunch where we always bonded, we set out to reread his life in order to reread our own journey. In this first meeting we focused on her first two stages: childhood and adolescence and the decisive meeting with Father de Montfort.

The first stage led us to ask ourselves if we are asleep or if we feel that restlessness that Mary-Louise had, which was only calmed by being all of God. If we question what He expects of us in this life.

In the second stage, we reflect on those encounters that transform us, as happened to Marie-Louise of Jesus when she met Father de Montfort. And also, on the roots that sustain us and that lead people to the radicality that Mary-Louise had to devote all her effort and love to assist the sick in the General Hospital of Poitiers for ten years, having only an epistolary communication with her spiritual guide.

After the final prayer, we agreed to continue to deepen our understanding of the amazing life of Mary-Louise of Jesus.

MCG Training Team


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