First meeting of the new International Commission for Partnership

First meeting of the new International Commission for Partnership

The first meeting of the new International Partnership Commission, which was appointed in September 2021, was held online on 25 February 2022. This Commission will have to continue the work started by the previous one until the end of its mandate in September 2024.

This first meeting was an opportunity to evaluate the work done by the previous commission and to plan the work for the coming years. At the invitation of the General Council, the commission will particularly reflect and make suggestions on the next circular letter of our congregation which will focus on partnership.

Thanks are due to all the members of the commission for their active participation and to Brother Michel Mendy for helping us with translation and interpreting work. During the meeting, the commission offered a special prayer for Brother George Pottakaran who was absent for health reasons.

The next meeting of the commission will take place in four months and for the time being, it will still be online due to the difficulties in travelling because of the pandemic.

Bro. Dionigi Taffarello

Curia Generalizia dei Fratelli di S. Gabriele - Via Trionfale n. 12840 - 00135 ROMA -